Robin Ritz Joins Material Handling Team At 2023 MHI Annual Conference
InCord’s Creative Visionary and Owner, Robin Ritz participates in 2023 MHI Annual Conference…
InCord’s Creative Visionary and Owner, Robin Ritz participates in 2023 MHI Annual Conference…
NetPlay USA is happy to offer new and exciting products that spark imagination by promoting creative play. Climbing and interacting with the structures cause them to slightly rock and sway, promoting balance and motor skill development while adding a weightless feeling that kids love.
On Friday, July 30th, 2021, East Haddam Parks and Recreation representatives and installer Quinn McKenna of InCord met at the local Town Beach play area to officially unveil the newest piece of play equipment- a NetPlay USA Bird’s Nest swing.
On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, NetPlay USA and InCord Play participated in the NRPA 2023 Annual Conference. With over 8,300 attendees from all over the country, we had the opportunity to showcase our innovative park and recreation equipment to hundreds of potential customers and partners.
On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, NetPlay USA and InCord Play participated in the NRPA 2023 Annual Conference. With over 8,300 attendees from all over the country, we had the opportunity to showcase our innovative park and recreation equipment to hundreds of potential customers and partners.
Most of us have fond memories of our childhood playground. Remember the hot sting when you stretched up and grabbed those monkey bars? How about the thrill of going up and down on the seesaw, or dangling for dear life from the still rings? Ahh, the joys of youth.
NetPlay has been producing play structures for schools, parks and playgrounds for years. With so much real-world play experience, we understand the value of a park remaining in top notch condition and the cost when something goes wrong.